Egyb... : Melanie Doane - I Can't Take My Eyes Off You |
Melanie Doane - I Can't Take My Eyes Off You
2005.05.21. 00:12
Az tdik szria hatodik rszben (Family) Tara csaldja Sunnydale-be ltogatott, hogy magukkal vigyk a lnyt a huszadik szlinapjn, amikoris a csaldi legenda szerint dmonn kne vltoznia. Persze az egszrl kiderlt, hogy csak kitallci, vagyis Tara nem dmon. A Scoobie-k vgl a Bronze-ban nnepeltk meg a boszorknyt, ahol mikor felcsendlt Melanie Doane dala, Willow felkrte szerelmt. Tncuk egy id utn a levegben folytatdott...
So dear to me Always keep me company Who needs to go outside I will be your silent bride I can't take my eyes off you Nothing ever needs to be said Send your message right into my head You fill me up when I'm alone So soothing is your monotone
I can't take my eyes off you (x 4) So maybe you're not as real as the others But I coose you over all my past lovers They have come and they have gone But I can always turn you on I can't take my eyes off you (x 4)