Egyb... : K's Choice - Virgin State of Mind |
K's Choice - Virgin State of Mind
2005.05.21. 00:58
A harmadik szezon egyik legviccesebb rszben, a Dopplegangland-ban hallhatttok ezt a szmot. Ebben az epizdban Anya Willow segtsgvel szerette volna visszaszerezni dmoni ervel rendelkez nyaklnct. A varzslat azonban vletlenl flresikerlt, ugyanis Willow vmpr alteregjt idztk meg egy alternatv valsgbl. Vmpr Willow elment a Bronze-ba, ami legnagyobb bnatra nem ugyanaz a Bronze volt, amit az vilgban megszokott. Mg szomoran stlt a boldog emberek kztt a sznpadon a K's Choice muzsiklt...
There's a chair, in my head, On which I used to sit Took a pencil and I wrote The following on air: Now there's a key, Where my wonderful mouth used to be Dig it up, and throw it at me Dig it up, n throw it at me Where can I run to? Where can I hide? Who will I turn to, Now I'm in a virgin state of mind? Got a knife to disengage, The voids that I can't bear, To cut out words I've got written, on my chair, like: Do you think I'm sexy? Do you think I really care? Can I burn the mazes I grow? Can I? I dont think so. Can I burn the mazes I grow? Can I? I dont think so. Where can I run to? Where can I hide? Who will I turn to, now Im in a virgin state of mind? Virgin state of mind. Virgin state of mind. Virgin state of mind.