5. I'll Never Tell
2005.05.01. 08:55
Anya és Xander közelgő házasságukkal kapcsolatos félelmeiket valamint egymással és magukkal kapcsolatos gondjaikat öntik dalba...
ANYA This is the man that I plan to entangle Isn't he fine? My claim to fame was to maim and to mangle Vengeance was mine!
But I'm out of that biz The name I made, I'll trade for his The only trouble is - - I'll never tell.
XANDER She is the one She's such wonderful fun Such passion and grace Warm in the night when I'm right in her tight - - Embrace! Tight embrace!
I'll never let her go The love we've known can only grow There's just one thing that - - No. I'll never tell.
ANYA AND XANDER Cause there's nothing to tell.
ANYA He snores
XANDER She wheezes
ANYA Say "housework" and he freezes
XANDER She eats these skeazy cheeses that I can't describe
ANYA I talk; he breezes
XANDER She doesn't know what pleases
ANYA His penis got diseases from a Chumash tribe!
ANYA AND XANDER The vibe gets kind of scary
XANDER Like she thinks I'm ordinary
ANYA Like it's all just temporary
XANDER Like her toes are kind of hairy
ANYA AND XANDER But it's all very well Cause, God knows, I'll never tell!
ANYA When things get rough, he Just hides behind his Buffy! Now look, he's getting huffy Cause he knows that I know.
XANDER She clings She's needy She's also really greedy She nev - -
ANYA His eyes are beady!
XANDER This is my verse, hello? She - -
ANYA (Spoken) Look at me! I'm dancing crazy!
--dancing music--
XANDER You're quite the charmer
ANYA My knight in armor
XANDER You're the cutest of the Scoobies With your lips as red as rubies And your firm, yet supple - - Tight embrace!
ANYA He's swell
XANDER She's sweller
ANYA He'll always be my feller
XANDER That's why I'll never tell her that I'm petrified
ANYA I've read this tale There's wedding, then betrayal I know there'll come the day I'll want to run and hide
ANYA AND XANDER I lied I said it's easy I've tried But there's these fears I can't quell
XANDER Is she looking for a pot of gold?
ANYA Will I look good when I've gotten old?
XANDER Will our lives become too stressful if I'm never that successful?
ANYA Will I get so worn and wrinkly that I look like David Brinkley?
XANDER Am I crazy?
ANYA Am I dreamin'?
XANDER Am I marrying a demon?
ANYA AND XANDER We can really raise the beam in making marriage a hell... So thank God I'll never tell! I swear that I'll never tell!
XANDER My lips are sealed
ANYA I take the Fifth
XANDER Nothing to see Move it along
ANYA AND XANDER I'll never - - Tell!